Our Focus

At NYC Sustainability Clothes, sustainability isn’t just a buzzword; it’s our guiding principle. As a New York City-based sustainable fashion label, we recognize our responsibility to our community and the planet. We want to change the way people dress in New York City by making sustainability the most important thing in everything we do. As part of our goal to redefine urban style with a conscience, we offer clothes that not only look good but also help people and the planet. From the busy streets of Manhattan to the lively neighborhoods of Brooklyn, we’re committed to making clothes that capture the spirit of the city while leaving as little of an impact on the environment as possible. We’re making the city of New York a better place for the future by using fair trade materials, making things locally, and designing classic pieces that will never go out of style. Join us as we change the way people dress in New York City. Together, we can make the future more eco-friendly and stylish for future generations if we work together. ~J&L 🙂